civil engineer 意味

発音を聞く:   civil engineerの例文
  • civil engineer


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. arman , a civil engineer with the city .
    名前はアルマンで 土木技師
  2. no , not me . i'm a civil engineer .
    いいや 私は技術者だ
  3. after meeting j . lebret , a hydraulic engineer and an engineering official with the netherlands ministry of the interior , he decided to become a civil engineer .
  4. the british civil engineer j .w . hart designed the layout of the settlement , which was equipped with check-patterned streets , roadside trees , parks , street lamps , and sewers; the settlement was divided into 126 blocks , and on july 24 , 1868 , the first auction of the land to foreigners was held .
  5. he was involved with the construction of mikomotoshima lighthouse (shizuoka prefecture ), kashinozaki lighthouse (wakayama prefecture ), iojima lighthouse (nagasaki prefecture ), mutsureshima lighthouse (yamaguchi prefecture ), satamisaki lighthouse (kagoshima prefecture ), and others together with richard henry brunton , a british civil engineer .


        chief civil engineer:    土木主任技師{どぼく しゅにん ぎし}
        engineer:     engineer n. 技師, 技術者; 《米》 機関士. 【動詞+】 train an engineer 技術者を養成する. 【+動詞】 How many engineers do you have working on the project? その計画に従事する技術者は何人いますか. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an aeronautical engin
        it engineer:    IT 技術者{ぎじゅつしゃ}、情報処理技術者
        civil:     civil adj. (無作法にならない程度に)礼儀正しい; いんぎんな; 礼を失しない. 【副詞】 “Was he friendly?"―“No, he was scarcely even civil." ?彼は友好的だったかね??いや, いんぎんでさえなかった? It is hardly civil not to acknowledge an invitation.
        (army) engineer:    (army) engineer 施設 しせつ
        aeronautic engineer:    航空技師◆【略】AE
        aeronautical engineer:    航空技師◆【略】AE
        aerospace engineer:    航空宇宙学{こうくう うちゅう がく}の技術者{ぎじゅつしゃ}
        agricultural engineer:    農業技術者◆【略】Ag.E
        air engineer:    航空技師
        airworthiness engineer:    航空機検査官◆国土交通省の
        apec engineer:    APEC エンジニア◆一定水準以上の技術者に与えられる APEC 域内で共通の呼称。認定資格ではない
        architectural engineer:    建築技術者{けんちく ぎじゅつ しゃ}
        army engineer:    工兵{こうへい}
        assistant engineer:    assistant engineer 技手 ぎしゅ


  1. "civil disturbance unit" 意味
  2. "civil disturbance victim status" 意味
  3. "civil divorce" 意味
  4. "civil duties" 意味
  5. "civil embargo" 意味
  6. "civil engineering" 意味
  7. "civil engineering and construction" 意味
  8. "civil engineering chord member" 意味
  9. "civil engineering completed risks insurance" 意味
  10. "civil duties" 意味
  11. "civil embargo" 意味
  12. "civil engineering" 意味
  13. "civil engineering and construction" 意味

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